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Thursday, July 14, 2011

3 Tips for Summer - Latest Fashion Beauty tips


Feel the Burn

To soothe sunburned skin, heat a cup of regular oatmeal with one-half cup whole milk until cooked. Let cool and apply to burned skin. The oatmeal soothes and the milk acts as a gentle exfoliant to remove dead cells, says Skyy Hadley, owner of as u Wish Nail Spa in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Skin Toner

Lighten Up on Lotion

On really hot days, use a hydrating toner instead of moisturizer – it will keep your skin balanced but won’t feel heavy or greasy, says Olga Lorencin-Northrup, cofounder and aesthetician at kinara Spa in Los Angeles.

Breakout on your Chin

Clear Your Complexion

If you have got a recurring breakout on your chin, hydrogen peroxide in whitening toothpaste could be the culprit. Switch to regular toothpaste pronto, says Fredric Brandt, MD, a dermatologist in New York City and Miami.