What Wednesday's Big Brother lacked in intensity, cat-fighting and drama, it made up for with the first real signs of complex, strategic battle this season.
The veteran alliance seemed ready to crack once again last night, until it coalesced around a common foe. How will this change the game going forward?
Who ended up on the block after all was said and done? Last night's episode of the CBS guilty pleasure in its +/- recap below ...
There is no real reason Brendon and Rachel have to be in an alliance with Jordan and Jeff. Both pairs know it, and both pairs dislike the other, but they're all patient and forward thinking. No hasty moves = good strategy. Plus 29.
Danielle subtly and casually tries to get Jeff back-doored without mentioning him by name. Smart move ... if she had left it at that. Minus 5.
The Dom-Dani quasi-showmance is becoming kinda cute, right? Plus 7.
Brenchel in the tub. While I'm eating dinner? Not so much. Minus 83.
Dom: "Thanks, Rachel and Brendon, all I need you to do is take me along until I shank you in the back three weeks from now." Plus 3.
Minus 5 for trusting those idiots, though, and for flirting with Dani just a little too openly for that mini-alliance to stay under the radar.
After Jeff and Jordan are picked for the Veto competition, Daniele makes what she may look back on as a grave error. Going all out to lobby Rachel to put up Jeff, she tipped her hand and made herself next week's top target. Minus 8.
Worse yet, she effectively patched Brenchel's rift with Jeff and Jordan. Minus 5.
Hey, we forgot Porsche was still around. That was okay, though, so Minus 3.
Plus 7 for Jeff's Season 11 spelling of "Tectronics," and Plus 6 more for Jordan not wanting to spell "farting" in the competition - presumably because it's, like, embarrassing - then talking about it in the diary room.
SHOCKINGLY, Brendon wins the Veto! Gotta give the guy Plus 4 for being a tough competitor, but honestly, these two are not that brilliant. Step it up, people!
Begrudgingly, we have to give Rachel Plus 10 as well for baiting Daniele, who tried to dial back her anti-Jeff rhetoric. "Do you think it would be good to get rid of Lawon?" Rachel asked. Agitated, Daniele took the bait.
Dominic spills to Shelly and tries to recruit her to play with himself and Dani. She brilliantly sells them out to Brenchel and earns their trust. Plus 28.
Are Jeff and Brendon wearing the same tank top?! Minus 3.
Brendon does not use the veto. Both of the nominees are SURE they'll be all good when the votes are counted, which is always fun. Plus 12.
Dani didn't do him any favors, but Dominic really blew this one himself. You have to be an idiot to throw a veto competition. Dom will probably hear about it tonight when he - as Adam said - is talking to Julie. Minus 20.
Who will go home tonight on Big Brother?