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Friday, September 16, 2011

odd Palin Slams Joe McGinniss' Book, Neglects to Mention Awesome Glen Rice Rumor

Sarah Palin's husband, Todd, denounced Joe McGinniss' new book about Alaska's most famous family as "disgusting lies, innuendo and smears" in a statement.

The former governor's camp is looking to discredit the biography - a racy, detailed, provocative tell-all, even as Palin gossip goes - which is due out next week.

Todd Palin slammed The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin, specifically denying that his business partner Brad Hanson had an affair with his wife.

The part about Glen Rice nailing Sarah Palin, sadly, went unmentioned by Todd.

Todd and Sarah Palin Picture

Todd Palin wrote of McGinniss:

"This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in next door to harass and spy on us to satisfy his creepy obsession with my wife."

"His book is full of disgusting lies, innuendo and smears. Even The New York Times called this book 'dated, petty,' and that it 'chases caustic, unsubstantiated gossip.'"

Hang on ... the Palins read The New York Times?

The 2008 GOP VP nominee has yet to comment. Last year, she wrote of McGinniss: "Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden and the family's swimming hole?"

McGinniss, who rented the house next door to the Palins while writing the work, defended his reporting in an interview on the Today show.

"I think I was as fair as I could have been given the fact that she told all the people who were closest to her not to talk to me," he said.

Of all the claims he makes, the allegations that Sarah Palin carried on an affair with Brad Hanson have clearly ruffled the most feathers.

Hanson again denied the allegation in a statement:

"This is the same old story that went around in 2008. It is a complete and outright lie," Hanson said. "Todd and Sarah Palin have been good friends for many years, and in fact we still own property together."

"We sold a former joint business venture for business reasons, nothing more. These attacks are shameful and those making them seem to be out only to destroy good people and make money doing so."

As for Sarah snorting coke off of oil drums, that may or may not have taken place. We have no idea. But thank you Joe for the hilarious visual.

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