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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Audrina Patridge Admits: I Have a Chest Problem

This is difficult for Audrina Patridge to talk about, but she knows she must lead the charge for others in a similar predicament.

When asked in a recent interview if she's undergone plastic surgery, the former Hills star came clean: she has a chest problem.

"Look at the pictures," Audrina said of the accusations. "I fluctuate in weight a lot. And as far as my face, I'd never had anything done."

What about any kind of breast enhancement?

"Well," Patridge paused. "See I have this chest problem. My bone right here, it's higher on this side? It's pectoralis something. So I've always struggled with that. You could see they look different sizes all the time."

Go ahead and study our collection of Audrina Patridge photos, folks. See for yourself. Then, take up a collection for this poor young lady. She's really struggling.

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