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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jessica Simpson Deflates Breast-Reduction Rumor: "I Love My Boobies!"

Thank you, Jessica Simpson, for addressing rumors in the following way:

"Been getting lots of questions about this alleged breast reduction...not to worry...I LOVE MY BOOBIES!! They aren't going anywhere!" the incoming Fashion Star mentor tweeted today.

Hear that, folks? Her boobies are here to stay!

Now, why did anyone think they were going anywhere?

In Touch Weekly had quoted a source saying that Simpson was looking to flatten her fronts in time for her wedding—whenever that may be—in order to look smaller.

But, the cleavage-rocking fashion mogul's classic curves are apparently still welcome at the Simpson-Johnson nuptials.

"It's UDDERLY not true!" she continued, further debunking the reduction tale. Then, to friend Lauren Auslander, who had tweeted, "Breast assured everyone": 

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