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Monday, May 14, 2012

Demi Lovato & Britney Spears CONFIRMED for "The X-Factor" - Latest Hollywood News Gossips - Interviews Videos

Demi Lovato & Britney Spears CONFIRMED for "The X-Factor"

Demi Lovato has officially joined Britney Spears and signed a deal that solidifies her a spot at the X-Factor judges table -- this scoop comes to us thanks to TMZ. According to the site, Demi and Britney will make an appearance at Upfronts in New York City to confirm the deal. Over the last few months, dozens of names have been in the mix, but we hear that the two former Disney stars will take to the table where they'll join Simon Cowell and LA Reid. Demi Lovato also has a big tour scheduled for this summer, which still plans to follow through with. Insiders believe that these casting choices will be great for both the show and Demi and Britney's careers, as well. Both singers have dealt with some serious personal issues in the recent past and having the opportunity to appear on live TV over an extended time period will give each of the chance to connect with fans and prove once and for all that they're back in action. What do you all think about this HUGE X-Factor announcement? Our kudos go out to Simon Cowell -- talk about going for the gold here. So will you be watching X-Factor when the show returns? If so, hit the comments section and let us know why you'll be tuning in. For updates on this story as details emerge, stick with Sizzlingbuzz by subscribing to our channel on YouTube. I'm Joslyn Davis, thanks for watching!

Hosted by: Joslyn Davis

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