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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Alanis Morissette May Breastfeed Son Until Age 6

You oughta know ... that Alanis Morissette takes her breastfeeding seriously. Like really seriously.

She said in an interview that she may continue it for Ever. Ever being her 17-month-old son, natch. "I'll stop whenever he wants," the singer said on Good Morning America Thursday in regards to the controversial, popular trend of attachment parenting.
 "I know some children who have weaned naturally at two years, some kids wean naturally a couple of years later; I mean, it's up to every child," she said. Alanis said if that means breastfeeding Ever when he's six, so be it.

 Attachment parenting is an umbrella term used to describe nurturing techniques such as long-term breastfeeding, sleeping in the same bed as kids, etc.

 The Big Bang Theory's Mayim Bialik is another famous advocate for the philosophy, which was recently featured in a buzzed-about Time magazine cover story.

 A group of breastfeeding military moms brought attention to the cause as well.
 Alanis, whose husband is rapper Mario "Souleye" Treadway," said: "I consider it appropriate for this particular child and this particular family." She added she's "in a privileged position, where [she] can afford the time and resources to support this kind lifestyle … that's not possible for a lot of families.

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