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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yale Professor Finds Bias In Hollywood Movie Ratings

Yale School of Management Professor, Olav Sorenson, discusses with his recent research findings indicating a bias in Hollywood movie ratings.

CelebrityDialogue: Professor Olav Sorenson, thank you for letting us have the opportunity to take this interview. Please tell us about your recent trip to Cambodia.

Olav: We went to see the 1000-year-old-plus temple complexes from the Khmer Empire – Angkor Wat is probably the most famous. And it turned out to be a fantastic trip. The temples did not disappoint and the Cambodian people were wonderful. It’s not the most common vacation destination, but I would highly recommend it.

CelebrityDialogue: Please share with us your educational history.
Olav: I received an undergraduate from Harvard and then went on to get a doctorate in sociology from Stanford.

CelebrityDialogue: Would you like to let us know about your research interests?
Olav: I have been interested in how social relationships shape the evolution of firms and industries. So, I have looked at how relationships affect the choice of business partners and the nature of interactions with business partners, the choice of business locations, the speed with which ideas diffuse across an industry, and so on.

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