Aamir Khan enters his 46th year, March 14 2010. Though he would not be having grand celebrations as usual due to the sad demise of his father, he will have a small get-together.
On his birthday, we present you the starry ‘Sitare’ of Aamir Khan.
Aamir Khan was born on 14/03/1965. 14=1+4=5, he is number 5 ruled by planet mercury, his destiny number is 14+03+1965=29=2+9=11=1+1=2, everything in life happens in connection with destiny.
Many would believe that the word ‘perfection’ was discovered after he was born. The term is so synonymous with him that over a period of time it has almost become his ‘nickname’.
Born on 14th March 1965, Aamir is a Number 5 (1 + 4 = 5) person in numerology ruled by Number 5 (Mercury), Number 3 (ruler Jupiter – Pisces) and Number 2 (Moon). Since he is ruled by the latter number, he is automatically ruled by Number 7 (Neptune) as these two numbers always go hand in hand.