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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Aamir Khan - The Perfectionist

Aamir Khan enters his 46th year, March 14 2010. Though he would not be having grand celebrations as usual due to the sad demise of his father, he will have a small get-together.

On his birthday, we present you the starry ‘Sitare’ of Aamir Khan.

Aamir Khan was born on 14/03/1965. 14=1+4=5, he is number 5 ruled by planet mercury, his destiny number is 14+03+1965=29=2+9=11=1+1=2, everything in life happens in connection with destiny.

Many would believe that the word ‘perfection’ was discovered after he was born. The term is so synonymous with him that over a period of time it has almost become his ‘nickname’.

Born on 14th March 1965, Aamir is a Number 5 (1 + 4 = 5) person in numerology ruled by Number 5 (Mercury), Number 3 (ruler Jupiter – Pisces) and Number 2 (Moon). Since he is ruled by the latter number, he is automatically ruled by Number 7 (Neptune) as these two numbers always go hand in hand.

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