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Friday, March 12, 2010

Lady Gaga & Beyonce's "Telephone" Video Released

The music video for Lady Gaga's "Telephone," featuring a fierce Beyoncé, a somewhat nude gaga and directed by Jonas Akerlund), has premiered amid great hype.

It might even live up to it.

As she told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show just last month, "What I like about it is, it's a real true pop event. When I was younger I was always excited when there was a big giant event happening in pop music and that's what I wanted this to be."

Lady Gaga Video Pic

Lady Gaga gets tossed in the slammer in "Telephone."

Pretty bold praise for her own work, but "Telephone" definitely has the feel of - in typical Lady Gaga fashion - a performance art piece, rather than a mere video.

Perhaps the best part? At the onset, Gaga is strip searched and tossed in a jail cell. In a funny reference to the hermaphrodite rumors about her, a guard says:

"Told you she didn't have a d!ck."

That's before the music even commences, too. "Telephone" may not be as epic as "Bad Romance," but you have to give Gaga credit, because it's darn close.

Follow the jump to watch her team up with Beyonce in this music video event and tell us what you think. Vote in our survey and leave a comment as well ...

What do you think of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video?

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