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Friday, March 12, 2010

Casey Johnson: Nearly Broke at Death

Casey Johnson may have been a member of the ultra wealthy Johnson & Johnson family when she died this year, but her bank account did not represent a great fortune.

According to legal documents unearthed by TMZ, the troubled heiress passed away with approximately $75,000 in assets and no will.

Casey's father, the owner of the New York Jets, is asking the court to appoint him Special Administrator of his daughter's estate.

"It is necessary for him to take possession of all of the assets... as quickly as possible to preserve her estate from damage, waste, injury and publicity," reads the document in question.

Casey Johnson

Meanwhile, Casey's mom, Nancy Sale Frey Johnson, has custody of Casey's daughter, Ava. She'll likely begin legal procedures to adopt the tyke soon, a fact that won't sit well with Tila Tequila.

Then again, Tila Tequila be dead. She hasn't Tweeted anything in days. Please be on the lookout for a crazy women wearing a fake pregnancy stomach.

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