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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Julia Roberts Is A Snob?!


What a shocker, huh? Never would have guessed!

The Good Wife star Julianna Margulies regaled interesting story during a recent interview. Seems almost 20 years ago, Julianna was a struggling actress with a job waitressing at a high-end restaurant in New York.

One fateful evening, who should come to dine at the joint but Julia Robert's herself. As Julianna recalls, she was rather rude to her. She left such a nasty impression on the actress that when the two finally met formally years later, Julianna called her out on it! Julianna explained

"She and I talked about it… I said, 'You know, I waited on you once.' And she said, 'Oh God, was I horrible?' I said, 'Yeah, kind of.' She said, 'I was young.' We were both 23, but she was a huge star at the time and there were 20 people around her. She admitted it, she was like, 'I'm so sorry.' Then she bought me dinner, and I adore her."

Well, at least she made it up to you! Imagine the zillions of other servers who weren't so lucky!

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