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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jersey Shore Season 6: It's On, With Pregnant Snooki!

When Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi confirmed she's expecting a baby, many assumed that the MTV reality series, which just wrapped its fifth season (in just over two years' time), was kaput, officially, or at least destined to lose the Snook.

No. Season 6 is a go, with the full cast in tow. Fist-pump/head-slap!

Snooki Promo Photo

The show will return again to the STD-friendly confines of Seaside Heights, N.J., where the gang will venture into "uncharted territory" this time around.

A press release from MTV, confirming the new season today, reads:

"While things will definitely be a little different this time when they hit the boardwalk, their trademark hilarity and family dysfunction will remain the same."

That's putting it mildly. Say a prayer for the unborn guido/ette.

Incidentally, Snooki's baby, her first with fiance Jionni LaValle, isn't due until the fall, so that leaves time for plenty of pregnant partying this summer.

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