Kacie Boguskie did what she (or the producers) had to do.
That's how she explains traveling all the way to Switzerland just to "warn" Ben Flajnik about Courtney Robertson on last week's episode of The Bachelor.
With Southern charm, bright eyes and a big heart, it was easy to see why so many people fell in love with Kacie B. and were rooting for her over Court.
Alas, Ben was not one of those people.
Speaking with reporters about her hometown date gone awry, her trip to Europe and if she thinks Ben Flajnik and his fiancee will last, she had this to say:
On her elimination: "I definitely didn't think it was me. When it got down to one rose, I thought that Nicki would be going home. I was shocked."
On why she went to Switzerland after getting axed: "Initially, I was not going there in search of a second chance. I really wanted closure."
"I had to make my peace about Courtney, because I care. Of course, there was a little part of me that hoped he'd be like, "I made a mistake. Stay."
On why she cares so much about Courtney: "I have a problem with somebody who has two sides, because I don't know which is really you."
"She was manipulating – I'm not sure who she manipulated more, us or him."
On whether her hometown date sent Ben running for the hills: "As much as I'd like to think Tennessee and California aren't that different, they are."
"He wanted to live with whoever he [picked], and he owns a winery, so those are two things in his life that don't line up with my parents' views."
"If whoever I'm with doesn't mesh [with my family], that causes problems."
On whether he should pick Lindzi Cox or Courtney Robertson: "I'm Team Lindzi. I love Lindzi, but it seems like he and Courtney get along great."
"At the end of the day, it's what makes him happy. If they are a great couple, who are we to judge? If they are meant to be together, they should be."
On her own romantic status update: "Still single. Watching has helped me get over it. I'm in a great
place and ready to see who I meet next."