Katy Perry is so excited about the prospect of a collaboration with BFF Rihanna, she may have put her foot in her mouth discussing the potential project.
Perry weighed in on the forthcoming song (which undoubtedly will be a catchy #1 hit with those two working together), with an apparent dig at Beyonce:
"We've collaborated on things, just not songs yet. It's one of those things that's got so much build-up that we have to deliver," she said on BBC Radio 1.
Katy Perry is BackBeyonce in Concert
"I want it to be like that Eurythmics and Aretha Franklin song 'Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves,' not 'Beautiful Liar.' I definitely want to do something iconic."

Perry doesn't have a reputation for starting beef with other celebs, so we're guessing she did not mean it as an insult ... even if it sort of reads that way.
Maybe Bey and Katy can collaborate next and bury the hatchet in this non-feud?
In sort of related news, KP sort of embarrassed herself covering "N****s In Paris" by Jay-Z and Kanye West at the same BBC Radio 1 appearance.