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Monday, August 29, 2011

Spoiler Chat: Exclusive Scoop on Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Glee and More!

Does Chuck Bass have a new love interest? Will Blaine (Darren Criss) switch teams on Glee? Will Jeremy's hot ex-girlfriends muck up everything for his romance with Bonnie on The Vampire Diaries?

If these are the questions that keep you up at night, well, you are welcome! 'Cause we have some exclusive answers to put your mind at ease.

Get the juice in our roundup of exclusive TV scoop...

Rebecca: What can you tell us about Dan and Blair? Or Chuck and Blair? Is there any hope for either?
Not hearing of anything the works for Dan and Blair, and it quite honestly pains me to tell you that! But Chuck and Blair fans, there is some good news for you. Aside from what I've mentioned about Blair's feelings for Chuck being quite the issue with her fiance prince, I can also tell you that despite the photo above, which looks like a meet cute between the Chuckster and a new love interest, a source tells me this little gem of good news: Chuck does not have any sort of new love interest in the works. At least not early on in the season. Cause to celebrate, mayhaps?

rrrrrrroxanne: Is it true that Blaine will be joining the New Directions? #GLEE
Let's just say Darren Criss has already been spotted at McKinley High with his boy Kurt (Chris Colfer) not in his Dalton uniform. First step transfer. Next step…New Directions!

redfox1998: any wemma scoop will do...seriously....anything you've got.
Er, call this scoop Wemma-adjacent. Flashback time! Glee is looking for someone to play a young Emma (Jayma Mays). It'll probably be a quick flashback, because this Emma won't have any lines. Maybe we'll finally get some insight into why Emma is the way she is. How about this for some speculation (you know how we love to do that): Emma is spilling to Will (Matthew Morrison) about her past. She cries. He cries. They hug and kiss. Then get married. The end!

 MamatoMicah: We haven't heard anything about Finn in season 3! I want to make sure Cory's cute mug keeps gracing my TV!
 Don't worry, Cory Monteith's cute mug isn't going anywhere! He's one-half of one of the most fan-obsessed couples on TV right now! But what's even better news is the fact that we hear he'll be getting lots of solo storylines…meaning stuff that has to do with being just Finn, and not half of Finchel.

Monica: Hey, any scoop on Lauren Graham on Parenthood? I'm slightly obsessed with her.
Get in line. Sources tell me that Lauren's character Sarah will be doing a very good deed in the coming season: Helping her ex Seth, aka John Corbett, find his way back to rehab. (Poor dude really just never got over Carrie! Oh wait, wrong show.) Corbett's back for multiple episodes and I'm hearing great things about the storyline. Word is the scenes with Lauren and John could be some of the best ever on the show.

Phoebe in Northville, Mich.: I love Rachel Bilson! Do you have anything on Hart of Dixie?
I'll be on the set of Hart of Dixie this week, so to answer you question with another question: Would you send us your Q's for the cast? Hit the comments or tweet me @kristindsantos. I'll probably tweet out a photo of me trying to break into Scott Porter's dressing room cause that's how this FNL fan rolls.

OTHMIOBIFreak: OTH scoop please, After CMM and Barbara Alyn Woods returning, any chance Ashley Rickards that played Sam in s6 might too?
When we chatted with the Awkward. star, she told us:"I would definitely be open to coming back for some sort of closure for Sam, absolutely. It would be wonderful to go back there because I kept in touch with everybody. I talked to Hilary [Burton] about a week ago." But has she been approached to return to Tree Hill? "I'm still waiting on my contract for Avatar 4," she jokes, "So we'll see."

Cathy: One Tree Hill's final season is going to be epic! Any scoop?
Now that Chad Michael Murray is coming back, season nine is indeed going to be epic. According to Tyler Hilton, creator Mark Schwahn is going all out. "One of the reasons why I am such a fan of this last season is because Mark said that last season he thought it might be the last season, so he ended it the way fans wanted it to end," he tells us. "This season he knows it is going to be the last season, and since he already kind of gave the fans their season last time, he said that he really wants to make this season what he wants. He said that since the show is done after this season, he has no one to impress, he can just do whatever he wants." Mark Schwahn writing without anyone holding him back? OTH's final season is going to be cray-cray!

 Suzanne in Portland, Ore.: Modern Family? Can't wait for it to come back!
 Get your chaps ready, because the season premiere is all about the Wild West. "The family went to a dude ranch and there are going to be a lot of surprises in that episode," Nolan Gould tells us. What kind of surprises? Well, Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) wants to capture the memory of the dude ranch by posing with guns, and Phil (Ty Burrell) takes up the fine art of skeet shooting. We also hear there's going to be some truly authentic-looking cowboy gear involved.

wingster55: What major couple will be splitting on Parks and Recreation?
 Not Andy and April. As far as we know, there are no current plans to split 'em up. So that's something?

Lance in Orlando, Fla.: Anything on Happy Endings? Particularly on my favorite non-couple: Max and Penny?
 Remember when Max (Adam Pally) and Penny (Casey Wilson) were "double Snooki's" for Halloween? Prepare for another double costume in a big Halloween episode this season. Wilson wouldn't give us any hints on what the costumes entail, but she seemed borderline giddy over it. Can't wait!

Moira in Nashville, Tenn.: What do you know about Megan Mullally's episode of Happy Endings?
Three words: song and dance. One more word: duet. A few more words: The Happy Endings people sent their food truck to our place of business to feed us today so I am changing this column title to "Watch Happy Endings with Kristin." Everyone's cool with that, right? I'm easy.

ParisDreamer93: The Lying Game—any news??? Please please please! I'm shamelessly obsessed :)
 Remember that smokin' hot (and slightly rude) ballet teacher Eduardo (Rick Malambri)? Expect Nisha (Sharon Pierre-Louis) to put the moves on him when she goes to the studio for dance lessons, something her tennis coach is forcing her to do. The ice queen doesn't mind working on her footwork quite as much after Eduardo agrees to give her private lessons.

haustonst: What can you tell me about Secret Circle that hasn't been told yet?
Hmm...How about that fans of the original book series (written by L.J. Smith) may see some familiar faces pop up in unexpected ways? "I think it's a really fun way to introduce characters, especially for people who love the book series," executive producer Andrew Miller tells us. "We'll definitely do that." Black John, perhaps? "We might incorporate a character like Black John," Miller teases. "He might be renamed."

 secret_circle: Any Secret Circle goodies?
A key difference between TSC and Vampire Diaries? Cassie (Britt Robertson) isn't exactly a goody two-shoes like Elena (Nina Dobrev). Cassie falling in love with Adam (Thomas Dekker), even though she shouldn't, "brings her into these dark feelings in herself," Miller explains. "We start this journey with Cassie between good and evil inside herself that relates to her mom and dad."

PerfectAnomaly: Is there anything coming up for CSI:NY's Det. Flack?
You might be pleased to hear that the prodigal sister of Detective Flack (Eddie Cahill) will be reappearing in his life. Only time will tell if she's still on the wagon or perhaps face down on the sidewalk. We think it's safe to say that she'll bring some drama to the CSI: New York detective's life because no long lost siblings ever show up just to check-in or grab a drink—er, coffee.

jmorgue: Thanks so much for coverage/spoilers of #CSINY! Anything else we can squeeze out of you? Danny/Lindsay, Flack or ...?
You are very welcome. And we have more! We asked Anna Belknap about her favorite moment in premiere, she told us: "The first episode had a nice scene between Lindsay and Adam, which I thought was really sweet. He has a really touching monologue about where he was on 9/11 and it's…painful."

Maureen: Will Alison Brie be back on Mad Men next season?
Seems very likely! Alison Brie coyly tells us: "I've heard that I may be able to get back over there and so that's good news. I'm excited that that's seeming to work out." So did she blab about Trudy Campbell's role on the award-winning drama? Nope. Brie remains tight-lipped: "I'm just terrified. I'm really not allowed to say anything else."

Kb_toyzz: Any hints on Degrassi? ;)
After Thursday's sure-to-be intense finale, fans can get their next Degrassi fix in October when TeenNick will air a one-hour Halloween special. What can fans expect from Mr. Eli Goldsworthy (Munro Chambers)? "That's like his New Year's," Munro teases. "He does New Year's on Halloween." Sounds like a party!

zindzijade: can you help ease some concerns for Brenda on The Closer? please? thank you!
 Wish we could, but it sounds like Brenda is in for a rocky season. "This whole season is about this lawsuit and Brenda operating under this specter of this lawsuit that she is responsible for," Kyra Sedgwick tells us. "So I think that that takes its toll on her, but I don't know how [the show] will finally, finally end." But here's some silver lining: looks like Brenda and Fritz will not be on the fritz. (We love puns!) "Well, I think Brenda and Fritz stay together," Jon Tenney says. "I don't know what's going to happen with Fritz, that's all up in the air. But I would like to believe that Brenda and Fritz stay together." So would we, Jon.

 Harrison: Can. Not. Wait. For The Vampire Diaries to return. Can you tell us what's up with Jeremy seeing the dead chicks? How long will they be on? And does this mean things are over with Bonnie?
Nothing like some "dead chicks" to really liven up the place, eh? I'm hearing some very good things about that storyline—It's gonna be twisty and turny and cool. Also hearing Malese Jow (Anna) and Kayla Ewell (Vicki) will be in about a handful of episodes (somewhere around six) and they will be recurring throughout the season. So you'll get some fun "dead chick" splashes there for a while, but they won't be around enough to muck things up with Bonnie. Win-win-win.

brandon120: Is there going to be paintball this year on Community?
We think there is always going to be a special place for paintball on Community but Yvette Nicole Brown tells us the first episodes of the season are less zombies and space shuttles and more "grounded." She dishes: "I think they are going to take some time now and find out why these people are friends...There've been quieter but more intensive adventures." Quiet intensive adventures you say? We think this calls for a Dungeons and Dragons redux! Oh, and speaking of "quieter" and "grounded," we also heard from our friend Joel McHale that there was a turtle on set last week. Sorry, forgot the major spoiler alert warning on that one! Is the whole season ruined?

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