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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cooking Tips for Moms : How to Disguise Healthy Foods for Your Kids - Recipes - Health Tips

Cooking Tips for Moms : How to Disguise Healthy Foods for Your Kids

A great way to disguise healthy foods is to grate a variety of vegetables into sauces, cheese and ground meat, which mixes into foods easily and remains undetected. Make sure your kids are getting the proper nutrients through their food with help from a professional chef and mom in this free video on cooking for kids.

Expert: Michelle Karam
Bio: Michelle Karam is a professional chef and TV culinary host.
Filmmaker: Steve Geffner

Series Description: As a busy mom, mealtime can be hectic--especially when trying to balance a tight schedule with eating healthy. Find out how to create healthful, fun meals with your kids in this free video series on cooking and parenting.

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