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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Redhead Makeup Advice : How to Apply Green Eye Makeup for Redheads - Latest Fashion Beauty tips

Redhead Makeup Advice : How to Apply Green Eye Makeup for Redheads

Green eye makeup can be applied using three different types of brushes and the makeup itself. Apply green eye makeup for redheads with help from a makeup artist and hair stylist in this free video clip.

Expert: Jen Miller
Bio: Jen Miller is a makeup artist and Hair stylist based out of LA. Jen is a freelance artist for MAC cosmetics and is very well rounded in all aspects of makeup.
Filmmaker: Michael Brillantes

Series Description: Makeup can be a great way to express your mood, get ready for an event or occasion or just look presentable for th day ahead. Get makeup advice for redheads with help from a makeup artist and hair stylist in this free video series.

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