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Thursday, April 19, 2012

'Men In Black' Franchise Primed For Reboot? - Latest Hollywood Movies News - Interviews Trailers Videos

'Men In Black' Franchise Primed For Reboot?

Men in black primed for a reboot...already? The story coming your way right now!

With Sony rebooting "The Amazing Spider-Man" only five years after Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire's "Spider-Man 3" its pretty clear that Hollywood is all about the reboot, redo, do over, up may just be men in black.

Catching up with MTV, director Barry Sonnenfeld talked about the production of the film, but more interestingly, revealed that a reboot isn't off the table! He said, "The fantastic thing about 'Men in Black 3' is that it totally closes out the trilogy, it answers questions that you didn't even know you should be asking, it leaves you emotionally warm and sad and happy, and it could also reboot the franchise...I can't even begin to tell you how to interpret all of that. [Laughs] But I would say this: If your interpretation is that 'Men in Black 4' will only star the worm guys and Frank the pug, you are wrong."

Ofcourse we will have to wait and see how men in black three ends on may 25th to be able to wrap our heads around a reboot...but that shall come soon enough! So what do you guys think about a possible men in black reboot? Would you see it? Let us know in the comment section below and make sure you sub to our channel so that you stay in the movie know! im Tatiana carrier, thanks so much for watching!

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