She’s considered one of the most fashionable women in Bollywood. But Kangna Ranaut is all set for an on-screen transformation in her upcoming flick, Queen, directed by Vikas Bahl. For the first time, the Tanu Weds Manu (2011) actor, known for her avant-garde appearance, will portray a typical ‘behenji’ from the Lajpat Nagar area in Delhi.
“Kangna’s character in this chick flick will be a very simple girl next door. When the script was narrated to her, she was excited about attempting to play this ‘novel’ role,” says an insider.
Kangna’s sister Rangoli will be designing the actor’s look.
“Since Kangna plays a ‘seedhi-saadhi’ (simple) girl from Delhi, her look will also be along the lines of a regular girl nextdoor. And since her sister Rangoli knows her best, we have asked her to design Kangna’s look,” confirms the film’s spokesperson.
Besides Delhi, Queen will be shot in several exotic locations across Europe. The film has been written by Vikas, along with Parvez Shaikh and Chaitally Parmar. “In a way, Kangna is the hero of our film. We are starting the shoot from August onwards. The film basically deals with the kind of experiences a simple girl can have in life,” says Vikas.
‘Delhi’ girls on the silver screen
Sonam Kapoor: In Raanjhanaa, Sonam’s character studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Sunny Leone: In Jism 2, Sunny plays a girl who is just out of a Delhi University college.
Mallika Sherawat: In Kismat Luv Paisa Dilli, Mallika plays a fiesty and sharp Delhi girl.
“Kangna’s character in this chick flick will be a very simple girl next door. When the script was narrated to her, she was excited about attempting to play this ‘novel’ role,” says an insider.
Kangna’s sister Rangoli will be designing the actor’s look.
“Since Kangna plays a ‘seedhi-saadhi’ (simple) girl from Delhi, her look will also be along the lines of a regular girl nextdoor. And since her sister Rangoli knows her best, we have asked her to design Kangna’s look,” confirms the film’s spokesperson.
Besides Delhi, Queen will be shot in several exotic locations across Europe. The film has been written by Vikas, along with Parvez Shaikh and Chaitally Parmar. “In a way, Kangna is the hero of our film. We are starting the shoot from August onwards. The film basically deals with the kind of experiences a simple girl can have in life,” says Vikas.
‘Delhi’ girls on the silver screen
Sonam Kapoor: In Raanjhanaa, Sonam’s character studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Sunny Leone: In Jism 2, Sunny plays a girl who is just out of a Delhi University college.
Mallika Sherawat: In Kismat Luv Paisa Dilli, Mallika plays a fiesty and sharp Delhi girl.