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Friday, April 20, 2012

The Game shows us what to do with champagne and buys everyone hot dogs - Latest Hollywood News Gossips - Interviews Videos

The Game shows us what to do with champagne and buys everyone hot dogs

The Game was spotted leaving Roxbury Nightclub with his entourage of almost 50 people! The Game took time to show all the paparazzi how to really pop off... instead of drinking a bottle of Armand de Brignac "Ace of Spades" champagne... you pour it on the floor instead! The Game was under heat by media outlets after earlier in the week he poured another bottle of Armand de Brignac "Ace of Spades" champagne. Media outlets suggested that The Game was not being proper for doing such a thing... The Game decided to show his love for media outlets and champagne!

After the champagne pouring... The Game bought all the paparazzi and his friends hot dogs! Seems like the hot dog man might have to be cooking lots of hot dogs tonight!

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