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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

'The Bourne Legacy' Director Talks Franchise Comparisons - Latest Upcoming Hollywood News Trailers Videos

'The Bourne Legacy' Director Talks Franchise Comparisons

Director Tony Gilroy talks to MTV about the bourne franchise, and I have the details.

The Bourne franchise is not only getting new faces both in front of and behind the camera, it is set to get a whole new look -- a more STABLE look if you will. Gilroy revealed to MTV that he wont be using the shaky cam that paul greengrass used in the past bourne series.

He said, "Everybody in the world ripped us off. [That style] been done to death at this point. [The style is] on TV three nights a week, much less Bond and everything else. The worst thing that could have been done would be to just slavishly follow some cookie-cutter pattern of visual style and storytelling style."

IN comparison to the past films, he went on to say, "it's a bigger movie in the terms of the journey of it and the scale of it and the amount of stories in it and where it's going... You thought you were seeing the world, and this movie is telling you that there's a much larger world, a much larger conspiracy beyond this."

He also dished that quote, "The events of the other three films are incredibly present, but they're not really in this very much. What happens in 'Ultimatum' is really the spark that's blowing open the door to this movie."

So who what do you guys think about these changes? Are you excited for a new look and feel to the bourne franchise? Let us know in the comment section below and while your at it sub to our channel for all the latest movie news!

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