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Friday, April 20, 2012

American Idol Colton Dixon Shocking Elimination! - Latest Hollywood News Gossips - Interviews Videos

American Idol Colton Dixon Shocking Elimination!

If you thought last week's American Idol results show was shocking, wait till you hear why this week's Idol potential went home. Hey guys! You're watching ClevverMusic. Heartthrob Colton Dixon was eliminated on American Idol last night, with a record 53 million votes cast, and was both surprising and unsurprising at the same time. Along with Colton, the bottom three comprised of frequent bottom dwellers Hollie Cavanaugh and Elise Testone.

Last night's 'Idol' elimination was valid, if you take mentor Jimmy Iovine's perspective that Colton's rendition of "Bad Romance" was too much of a risk. Jimmy said Colton looked, "...somewhere between 1985 Billy Idol on MTV TRL and 'Spiderman' on Broadway." Ouch. The elimination was, however, surprising if you take into account that this was Colton's first time in the bottom three. So fan favorite Colton was sent home for making a bad song choice and taking too much of a risk, isn't that what the judges keep telling them to do?

Alternative singler Colton hadn't planned on pursuing 'Idol' dreams, but his sister who also tried out, sucked him into the process for the second year in a row. Colton went out on his last night on A.I. with a cover of Lifehouse's 'Everything' which he sang a few weeks back.

Now, we're down to the final six, and the pressure is heatin' up! Tell us what you think of Colton getting eliminated, down in the comment section. Be sure to subscribe to Sizzlingbuzz for more 'Idol' updates! See you next time.

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