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Monday, May 2, 2011

NeNe Leakes Reams Out Star Jones on Celebrity Apprentice - Latest Hollywood News Gossips - Interview Videos

NeNe Leakes exploded on Star Jones last night in the latest chapter of their season long Celebrity Apprentice catfight, leaving even Donald Trump speechless.

A first, we know.

When the "ladies" were tasked with putting on a hair show for Trump and Co., NeNe quickly lashed out at "manipulative" Star for demanding Leakes be the week's Project Manager without consulting with the team members first ...

NeNe vs. Star on Celebrity Apprentice

"Who f--king died and made you in charge of project managers?" Leakes snapped, labeling lousy teammate Hope Dworaczyk Jones' "puppet." Ouch.

Leakes' final zinger after thoroughly berating star and just before they went to work on their task? "Now where's Barbara Walters?! Punk a-- bitch!"

Were it not for the break in The Apprentice to inform us that Osama bin Laden is dead, this would've been the most shocking thing on TV last night.

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