Aries daily horoscope
You could be trying hard to meet deadlines today whilst, at the same time, attempting to keep everyone happy. You may have made more commitments than you can comfortably handle, so this could be a real lesson for you. Look out for unexpected opportunities coming late in the day.
Power Numbers: 40, 46, 29, 17, 30, 6 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Taurus daily horoscope
The study of unusual subjects appeals to you at this stage in your life, and you could find that you have a certain amount of genius in some such things. Curiosity is strong, and pays off in ways you'd never suspect. Writing or speaking about radical social or technological ideas catches your interest, and could get you lots of positive attention. A "high-tech" phase.
Power Numbers: 36, 23, 48, 24, 25, 38 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Gemini daily horoscope
There is a friendly, cooperative, harmonious tone to the interactions you have now. It is a good time for social activities and for getting in touch with friends. You avoid heavy discussions and do not want to focus on dry, practical matters.
Power Numbers: 46, 10, 5, 8, 17, 3 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Cancer daily horoscope
Anything is possible now the in realm of your finances, as your currently astute financial acumen may help you perceive opportunities that you did not recognize earlier. On a more personal note however, try not to be too inflexible in the way you discuss issues of money with partners, as this could lead to fairly hefty disagreements.
Power Numbers: 31, 26, 15, 35, 17, 32 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Leo daily horoscope
Cross-purposes, crossed wires, and conflicting energies may have left you drained of late, but realignment is now underway that will allow you to get back in tune with things. You will find yourself better able to take charge of your daily routine and let it energize you rather than drag you down. Experimentation with various alternatives now leads to the choice of a single path that both conserves your inner resources and brings you dividends in the process. Put aside time-wasting diversions and go with what -- and who -- really make you feel alive and glowing.
Power Numbers: 16, 44, 7, 19, 21, 46 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Virgo daily horoscope
This is your time to shine! You have an extra measure of energy and confidence now and will make a strong, good impression on those in your environment. This is a very good time to go for a job interview, go to social activities, or simply go out and be seen. You will be noticed more than usual.
Power Numbers: 11, 8, 44, 23, 46, 1 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Libra daily horoscope
Socializing and having a good time with others is highlighted now. You may also meet people of importance or influence. This astrological influence is not particularly strong, and is likely to represent casual events of a pleasant nature shared with others.
Power Numbers: 38, 48, 30, 22, 29, 33 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Scorpio daily horoscope
Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns.
Power Numbers: 18, 39, 10, 3, 40, 43 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Sagittarius daily horoscope
The time is right for you to make a career move. Your talents are developed well enough for you to take the next step towards your goals. Go after that promotion or start searching for a better position elsewhere or even go out on your own. You may be a little nervous about, but the planets are in your favor. Act boldly and you will get to where you want to be much quicker.
Power Numbers: 32, 24, 42, 16, 34, 40 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Capricorn daily horoscope
Knowing what you want and going after it is the opportunity of the day, and what you fall into now may be just the chance you've been waiting for. Sharing goals and deciding to mutually go for it will be the best of all possible worlds for everybody, with a minimum of conflict resulting later.
Power Numbers: 39, 47, 46, 14, 27, 49 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Aquarius daily horoscope
Keep your wits about you throughout this period. You have an immense drive and a desire to get things done but bear in mind that those around you may not share your enthusiasm or vision. Things may feel like they are moving in slow motion, but that is only because you anxious to make bold moves towards your goals.
Power Numbers: 11, 2, 44, 35, 22, 16 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |
Pisces daily horoscope
Mental concentration is excellent now. This is an optimum time for reading, writing, analyzing, and researching. The opportunity for quiet, disciplined activity presents itself now, and you should take full advantage of it.
Power Numbers: 24, 49, 42, 47, 45, 37 Born Today: Alfred Edward Housman, Queen Mary, Isadora Duncan, Al Jolson, Dorothea Lange, John Wayne, Peter Cushing, Miles Davis, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz |