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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Somehow Dodges Bullet, Escapes Jail AGAIN in Theft Case - Latest Hollywood News Gossips

Whatever Shawn Chapman Holley is billing Lindsay Lohan (probably close to $1,000 an hour as it is), she should ask for a raise, because she's a legal wizard.

Lindsay dodged another huge bullet today, avoiding jail in her theft case.

Moreover, she'll be off probation when she completes her community service after pleading no contest to a charge of misdemeanor theft. So effing weak.

Holley entered the plea this morning. Lindsay wasn't in court.

Her alleged necklace theft had already been lessened in severity after Holley proved the merchandise was not valuable enough to be considered a felony heist.

Judge Stephanie Sautner doesn't believe Lindsay's problem is substance abuse, but that her issues are more deeply rooted and she self-medicates as a result.

As a result, Sautner is not requiring LiLo undergo substance abuse counseling or serve time behind bars. She'll be required to serve 120 days for her probation violation, but she'll be able to do so at home with the ol' ankle monitor.

In reality, the 120 days will amount to 14 days due to good behavior and overcrowding (nonsensical since she's at home), but she cannot leave home. At all.

Lohan must undergo psychological counseling and attend a shoplifting alternatives class (seriously, this exists) but after that and 480 hours of community service, her probation will end, meaning she's off the hook for everything.

Tell us: Did Lindsay Lohan get off too easily?

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