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Monday, May 9, 2011

Lindsay Lohan is a Vampire - Latest Bollywood News Gossips

Lindsay Lohan's fangs are coming out.

The train wreck attended her close friend Tyler Shields' photo exhibit, "Life Is Not A Fairytale," in a warehouse in East Los Angeles this weekend.

At the event, Shields unveiled artful shots in which Lohan portrays a vampire. The inspiration was simple: "Lindsay loves vampires," Tyler said.

Lindsay Lohan is ready to suck ... at life! And your blood.
"It's well documented that she is a big vampire fan. I said we need to do the craziest vampire mouth shot ever with her mouth," he photographer added.

The photographs, taken a few months ago, play up Lohan's red lips and fangs. In this shot, The Vampire Diaries star Michael Trevino bites her neck.

Ironically, Trevino plays a werewolf, not a vampire, on the CW show.

During the whole party, the oft-maligned Lohan was in great spirits.

"She's an amazing actress," Tyler Shields said. "I've shot Lindsay probably 20 times and nobody has seen any of it. This is the first little taste."

An amazing actress? Bit of a stretch there. On the flip side, any Lindsay Lohan pictures not taken outside court are a refreshing, positive trend.

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