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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kane is Able: Chelsea Takes Command on Dancing With the Stars - Latest Hollywood News Gossips - Interviews Videos

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas all but assured their place in next week's finale by taking a Winner Take All dance in Monday's Dancing With the Stars semis.

We can debate whether or not this new scoring wrinkle is fair, but what's not up for debate is how far the Disney Channel star has come in recent weeks.

Capturing the Winner Take All Cha-Cha and its 15 extra points will help her cause, but she also scored a combined 58 in the other two routines last night.

Speaking on Kane's behalf in a pre-recorded segment, friend Joe Jonas said of Chelsea, “she’s doing such a great job. I think this is just the beginning.”

She'll be tough to beat next week in any case. Watch her 15-point Cha-Cha win over Hines Ward below and her performances with Mark after the jump ...

DWTS Semifinals - Winner Take All Cha-Cha!

DWTS Semifinals - Chelsea and Mark's Tango

DWTS Semifinals - Chelsea and Mark's Rumba

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