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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Celina:Lost and found! - Latest Bollywood News Gossips

Mumbai, May 14 -- At last, here comes Safedi Lal. He attributes his late coming to the midnight screening of Ragini MMS. According to my dhobi, the film failed to scare Celina Jaitly, but the loss of her Gucci clutch more than made up for it.

Bechari was looking around for it all over the place and looked very dejected when she was leaving. Fortunately for her, before she could reach home, someone called Celina to inform her that her lost possession had been found. Bas, aur kya? She returned to claim her lost clutch and was so thrilled that she just wouldn't stop thanking the finder until he told her he had to get back home. Phew!

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