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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saifeena: Always after you, baby! - Latest Bollywood News Gossips

Tinsel town’s ‘it’ couple, actors Saif Ali Khan, 40, and Kareena Kapoor, 30, ditched Holi celebrations to shoot for their home production, Agent Vinod, in the Capital on Sunday.

Saifeena, as the pair is popularly called, arrived in Delhi on Saturday night and checked into The Taj Mansingh hotel at 11.30pm. When our lensman spotted them at the hotel, the two, dressed in jeans and tees, seemed to be having a light-hearted lovers’ tiff, with Saif wanting to open the door for his lady and Kareena wishing to do the honours herself.

“Shooting began at six in the morning the next day in Central Delhi, and went on till evening. There were no Holi celebrations, and it was a back-to-back filming affair,” said a member of the crew, wishing not to be named.

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