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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Here's the 50 Snapchat marketing influencers you need to follow

One of the major complaints people have about Snapchat is that it’s hard to know who to follow. 
In fact, even if you know who you want to follow it’s hard to find them. You basically have to know what their username is. This annoyance has caused many to ignore Snapchat, but that’s a dangerous game for marketers. 
With 100 million daily users and 7 billion daily page views, Snapchat has engagement other networks like Facebook can only dream of. To see how you can use Snapchat to build audiences and engage with followers, check out this list of 50 of the top marketing influencers (presented in no particular order) who are making it happen right now.
  1. @garyvee — No one knows more about crushing it than Gary Vaynerchuk. He’s squeezed the marketing juice out of every channel he’s touched, and with hundreds of thousands of followers he’s already crushing it on Snapchat.
  2. @petershankman — Best selling author and futurist commenting on the customer service space. Peter is best known for founding HARO. Now a well-known TV news talking head, CEO, and worldwide speaker.
  3. @cynthialive — Cynthia Johnson is all about personal branding. She understands how well Snapchat can communicate a personality so check out her stories and notice how quickly you feel you’re drawn into a conversation.
  4. @joelcomm — Joel Comm was snapchatting before Snapchat. His Walks With Joel were informal chats added to his website. That’s exactly what Snapchat’s all about. The guy who cracked AdSense and spotted Twitter when it was still just a twinkle in Jack Dorsey’s eye says Snapchat is the next big thing.
  5. @coolestcool — Canadian Ross Simmonds teaches businesses all about content marketing and storytelling. He’s written a guide to Snapchat and on his account, he practices what he preaches.
  6. @morganb180 — Morgan Brown is an expert on growth hacking. He makes use of Snapchat as a communications channel. Followers can watch his stories but they can also ask him questions, and he promises to answer them. That’s relationship-building!
  7. @murraynewlands — Murray Newlands motivational social media celebrity, international speaker and the cofounder of Due, an invoicing company with more than 75,000 customers and a business coach who helps companies find their rocket fuel. He loves Snapchat’s new targeting features so follow him to find out what he says about them.
  8. @anitanewton1 — Anita Newton is VP of Marketing Adknowledge at Adknowledge. She also serves as a startup marketing advisor for entrepreneurs and is a contributing editor for
  9. @everettetaylor — Everette Taylor leads growth and marketing for new projects at Microsoft. The company pays him to stay ahead of the digital marketing curve and he shares his knowledge on Snapchat.
  10. @noahkagan — One of Facebook’s first employees, Noah Kagan headed marketing at Mint and founded AppSumo and SumoMe. He’s an uber-entrepreneur, and his Snapchat stories are packed with advice about growth marketing.
  11. @marismithchat — Snapchat’s founder Evan Spiegel rejected Facebook’s $3 billion buyout offer. Mari Smith is the expert on Facebook marketing and she’s now on Snapchat. Watch how a Facebook maven conquers Stories.
  12. @unmarketing — For Scott Stratten, marketing is “unmarketing,” the art of making sales without really trying. That makes him a great match for Snapchat which turns relationships and engagement into the preparation for the close.
  13. @davemorin — Dave Morin founded Path, a social network that Google tried to buy for $100 million. He was a Facebook product lead and he understands exactly how social platforms work and what businesses need to do to grow.
  14. @leilajanah — Leila Janah is the Founder and CEO of Sama Group, Co-Founder and CEO of Laxmi, and an award-winning social entrepreneur. She works to get digital work for those in poverty-stricken countries to assist them in becoming financially independent. Leila is also a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, a Director of CARE USA, a 2012 TechFellow, recipient of the inaugural Club de Madrid Young Leadership Award, and the youngest person to win a Heinz Award in 2014.
  15. @chriskubby — Chris Kubbernus has a strong personal brand and teaches others how to build their own strong personal brands. He’s also figured out how to build audiences fast on Snapchat. Watch him and you can see how he does it.
  16. @kimgarst — Kim Garst has owned an online business for over 20 years and has become a leading authority on digital marketing, social media, and social selling. She runs Boom Socialand has authored numerous books on the subjects of online and digital marketing strategies.
  17. @d1sgruntl3d — Peter Sellis used to run an influencer marketing service in Santa Monica’s Science Incubator. Now he’s responsible for Snapchat’s monetization. That’s a mix you need to follow.
  18. @tonyadam — Tony Adam used to work at MySpace. Now he runs his own digital marketing agency. His team has to stay on top of engagement and content marketing, so check out what he’s doing with his own Snapchat account.
  19. @theevachen212 — Eva Chen is an influential editor and writer as well as compulsive shopper and traveler. She edits and writes for Conde Nest on fashion as well as serves as a contributing editor for WSJ Magazine.
  20. @CA_lawyer — Mitch Jackson is a lawyer who helps businesses to grow. He says that Snapchat is “the closest thing to reaching out, physically taking a client’s hand and bringing him or her into your business life.”
  21. @cyreneq — Cyrene Quiamco works as a designer at Verizon, but she moonlights as a Snapchat artist. Her snaps win between 10,000 and 15,000 views each… and brands are paying her as much as $10,000 for a single snap.
  22. @TaliaWolf — Talia Wolf started using Snapchat to show pictures of her dog. Now she offers strategies to build an email list, tips for mobile landing pages, and advice about mobile checkouts. Notice how she never promotes herself, gets right to the point and always provides valuable content.
  23. @itschriscoleman — Chris Coleman used to make videos for Buzzfeed. Now he’s brought those video skills to Snapchat where he also offers weekly random fun facts.
  24. @georgio.copter — One of the things that make Snapchat special is being able to draw on Snaps. Cyrene Quiamco does it, and so does Georgio Copter. Check him out to see how creative the platform can be.
  25. @hello.aileen — AIleen Lee is the founder and managing partner of Cowboy Ventures, a digital seed-stage focused fund that  helps startup build their products and scale their companies. She works as both an investor and operator with these companies, leveraging her product development and marketing experience.
  26. @caseyneistat — Casey Neistat is a YouTube star who has made the move to HBO… and to Snapchat. He uses the platform to add moments of his life to his Story which he then uploads to YouTube. Follow him to see the difference between YouTube’s video platform and Snapchat.
  27. @julesmarcoux — Marketer Jules Marcoux became a best-selling author at 21. He sees Snapchat as a “drug dealer strategy: Get people addicted to your free content first. Be part of their life.”
  28. @casparlee1994 — Snapchat started with teens and it’s created a group of people who used Snapchat to become stars for those teenage users. Caspar Lee is one of the people who has defined the genre. He’s a Snapchat celebrity.
  29. @livlongley — LIv Longley is Senior Manager, Demand and Lead Generation for Zoomdata. Previously, she led communications for InsideView and marketing for Searchmetrcis. She has global market experience that spans traditional, mobile, social, and search marketing.
  30. @rossoverline — Ross Overline is a product marketing manager for Twitter as well as CEO and Principal of Impact Consulting. His focus is on using marketing and communication to launch products and win consumers for companies.
  31. @randersonbell — Ryan Anderson Bell is a digital storyteller, connector, and tech lover. As Executive Director at VRSalon, he is involved in virtual reality and augmented reality projects. He is the founder of SummitLive, the largest conference for non-traditional media and is an avid lover of Periscope and all types of social media and marketing platforms.
  32. @tailopez1 — Tai Lopez went from struggling entrepreneur to Lambo-driving millionaire. He’s now on Snapchat where he tells people what he did, what they need to do and what happens when you get there.
  33. @shaylaprice01 — Shayla is a B2B marketing strategist who has spent the last 10 years, helping organizations with their marketing and strategic planning processes while also authoring guest posts for companies like KISSMetrics. She also writes about Saas and ecommerce topics.
  34. @briansolis — With one of the top marketing blogs in the world, Brian Solis also works as a digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist. He is a principal analyst at Altimeter Group as well as award-winning author and keynote speaker. Brian has helped many brands and celebrities undertake digital transformation to more effectively market themselves.
  35. @tweetinggoddess — Samantha Kelly was once all about Twitter, running accounts for business clients, but now she is using Snapchat for more clients because of the value she sees in this platform. She offers good examples of how she leverages the relationship that can be created between social media platforms to exponentially increase results. 
  36. @aaronzakowski — Known as the “Facebook ads magician,” Aaron runs an agency called Zammo Digital that is dedicated to this marketing tactic. He uses Snapchat to show you his office and his hometown in Israel as well as share his insight on Facebook ads. 
  37. @deelaan — Dylan La Com as the original developer of and is currently pursuing a number of projects that interest him. He has previously founded a number of projects and startyups as well as won a hackathon and other accolades.
  38. @johnrampton — John Rampton is an online marketing specialist, blogger, entrepreneur, connector and speaker. His seven-figure blogging has garnered him much attention, spending time on panels teaching others how they can achieve similar results.
  39. @sabasedighi — Saba Sedighi is a social media marketer, content creator, brand strategist and Snapchat for business instructor. She teaches others how to use Snapchat to market their business, engage with their target audiences, and enhance their brand through this social media channel.
  40. @jaybaer — Jay Baer is the author of the popular marketing book, “Youtility,” as well as other books plus he is a keynote presenter and marketing strategist. Jay also produces significant amounts of valuable content that provides numerous insights into marketing.
  41. @randfish — Rand Fishkin is the founder of Moz and is known as one of the top experts on SEO. His expertise on a range of complex marketing topics is delivered in an easy-to-understand way so all types of benefits can benefit from his knowledge.
  42. @ieatpickles1111 — Chelsea Votel is a Brand Manager at WHIT as well as a social media influencer. She has taught her audience how to make their own TV show on Snapchat as well as regularly shares stories about brands and their marketing efforts.
  43. @nickcicero — Nick Cicero is the Founder and CEO of Delmondo, an influencer marketing agency that created the first Snapchat analytics solution for brands. He offers insights into digital content strategy and tactics.
  44. @tristantales — Tristan Tales understands how to leverage Snapchat’s stories feature. He shares how he has used it for a number of global brands to create content that has gone viral.
  45. @joannastern — As a tech reviewer for the Wall Street Journal, she covers all kinds of topics related to marketing and online marketing technology. She has encouraged older consumers to try Snapchat, including regular features on different social media platforms.
  46. @johnleedumas — John Lee Dumas runs a popular podcast called EOFire (Entrepreneur On Fire) where he has interviewed over 1,200 entrepreneurs as well as marketing leaders and experts. He uses his Snapchat account to offer more original content and opinions.
  47. @schmittastic — Amy Schmittauer works as a business and content marketing coach. She offers recommendations about how to leverage all types of social media marketing channels to enhance your brand and business.
  48. @thecarlosgil — Carlos Gil writes content daily and shares his knowledge and experience with operating social media for a retail chain. He covers a wide range of topics outside of just Snapchat marketing strategies.
  49. @thesarahmoore — As the head of a social media agency, Sarah N. Moore has excellent insights how to make the most out of Snapchat. She uses her own account as a living example of how to maximize what this platform can do.
  50. @gerardadams — Gerard Adams sold for $50 million. Now he teaches other entrepreneurs to follow his path… including on Snapchat. He says that snapchatters should understand their audiences, embrace the time limit and show their personality.

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