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Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Walking Dead needs to learn from Game of Thrones’ successes

As we all love our fav t.v series The walking dead But also we have afraid that our fav show is losing it's viewers and rating . We are All blaming Negan for that well i'm in line of those who thinks that negan is the one major factor of our fav show's downfall . here i want to give you a little pic from past about the governor he helped tv show to grow and make it more interesting  then the Game of thrones. Well here i found an interesting...

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Truth Behind David Beckham’s Hair Transplant Rumors

The 39-year-old has also been noticed for lacking his signature hair density. But surprisingly, like other men who suffer from continuous hair thinning which ultimately leads receding hairline, Beckham did not face any such issue and is still flaunting a head full of hair. There are rumors that the English footballing prodigy has found a hair transplant expert who has helped him overcome the thinning hair problem so skillfully that you can’t...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A Review of the Hair Transplantation Techniques

Today i decided to write about some new Hair Transplantation Techniques Sometimes we don’t care about the things until we lose them, same is the case with hair f. Causes of the hair loss are many and there are various solutions in the market that promise hair growth. Hair transplant is the permanent solution to this problem of hair loss. Let’ discuss about the procedure of the hair transplant and the difference in the hair transplant...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

'The Originals' Elijah Mikaelson Is Most Powerful Vampire Ever in Latest List

'The Originals' Elijah Mikaelson Is Most Powerful Vampire Ever in Latest List ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Treatment of male baldness

Shedding of hair is common amongst men. Thankfully there are various treatments of hair loss in men (علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرجال) . Click to read the full article : علاج تساقط الشعر عند الرج...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Say goodbye to the hair loss forever

Hair loss is a serious problem that shutters one’s confidence and leads to a stressful experience. The attitude of people towards baldness has been negative throughout the history. There can be many causes of hair loss .Some people have genetic problem. The distress suffered by the people who suffer from it can’t be ignored. Other causes of hair loss are low levels of protein intake, vitamin deficiency, excessive styling, physical stress, pregnancy,...

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Why Hollywood won't cast Seann William Scott anymore

Seriously, where did Seann William Scott go? He was everywhere for a few years following the success of American Pie (1999) and its sequels, but right around 2010, it seemed like he pretty much disappeared. Let's rip off the Band-Aid here: the bulk of Seann William Scott's films have been critical disasters. Though American Pie struck a chord with critics and audiences alike, most of his movies haven't impressed the pundits: Dude, Where's My...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Here's the 50 Snapchat marketing influencers you need to follow

One of the major complaints people have about Snapchat is that it’s hard to know who to follow.  In fact, even if you know who you want to follow it’s hard to find them. You basically have to know what their username is. This annoyance has caused many to ignore Snapchat, but that’s a dangerous game for marketers.  With 100 million daily users and 7 billion daily page views, Snapchat has engagement other networks like Facebook can...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley Joins 'The Originals' Cast?

The outlet further claimed that Somerhalder may end up joining the cast of The Originals after The Vampire Diaries. Julie Plec said that some of the TVD characters could crossover with The Originals every now and then. Zap2It, however, predicted that Somerhalder may not be too keen on moving over to the spinoff after TVD.  They pointed out that the actor decided to leave the series long...

Hair advice from trichologist in Dubai

You can find every kind of hair advice on internet and you often end up being confused that whether you should oil your hair or not, whether conditioning is ideal for you or not, how often you should wash your hair. To end up this confusion, we bring to you, hair advice from trichologist in Dubai to help you achieve the best hair possible and prevent any future hair worries. Follow the few basic steps to ensure that health of your...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

(زراعة الشعر في السعودية) Follicular Hair Transplants

The process involving follicular hair transplants is considered to be the most effective among hair restoration methods. In follicular hair transplant (زراعة الشعر في السعودية), the surgeon transplants hair from the permanent zone in the back of the scalp onto the affected areas. The donor tissue is removed in one piece.  This is to ensure that the follicular units being relocated from the back of the scalp are not damaged. An integral...

Sunday, July 31, 2016

'The Originals' Season 4 Spoilers, Summer Fontana to Portray Grown-Up Hope

When "The Originals" come back a fourth season, there will be a five-year time jump from when it ended in Season 3. It will then reveal an all grown-up Hope to be played by Summer Fontana. A New Hope Fontana, who has been credited for a movie role in "Basic Witches," will be joining the cast in Season 4. In fact, she began filming earlier this week. In the series, there is a possibility that Klaus (Joseph Morgan) may not recognize her own...


With the new technology and advancements in science emerging every day, new hair regrowth treatments have emerged to treat hair loss and baldness. One such treatment is stem cell hair regrowth therapy. In this procedure, stem cells are turned into hair follicle cells. There is no fixed cost of hair transplant in Abu Dhabi. Expenditures vary significantly from surgeon to surgeon. Cost of hair transplant depends upon various factors, including...

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Voice USA Judge Adam Levine Had his Hair Transplanted

Before hair transplant surgery his baldness has only just been seen on TV, the Grammy award winner actually shaved his head around three months ago, and documented the process on his Instagram page.  His hair is now growing back again and looks thicker than ever. Whether this is his natural hairline or not has been the subject of much speculation though, both in the media and in online hair loss forums. Many suspect Levine of having had...

Friday, June 10, 2016

Laser Hair Removal

air looks fantastic when they are present on the scalp. Unwanted hairs at different body parts add an untidy appearance to one’s personality. Men and women both don’t want to look like wooly mammoths. To counter the issue of unwanted hair, people have long been using waxing, shaving and plucking. However, all these traditional techniques offer a temporary solution and need to be repeated every few days. Issues like infections and ingrown hair...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


During the Season 3 finale of The Originals, Klaus was left in a comatose state and locked away in a tomb. Meanwhile, the rest of the Mikaelson siblings wait in a safe place until Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) can save them. The Originals executive producer Michael Narducci told Entertainment Weekly regarding Klaus,  To read full Interview click on the Link : SizzlingGossip...