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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: PRAISED By Judge in Court!

There's a first time for everything.

Lindsay Lohan not only passed muster at her probation hearing today, she did so with flying colors, earning praise from the judge who has reamed her out in the past.

A very surprised Judge Stephanie Sautner began by saying at her hearing this morning in L.A., "Ms. Lohan, you have actually done your work."

That she has, and then some ...

The judge noted that Lindsay completed her community service early and even went to an extra therapy session - five instead of the mandated four - since last time.

Sautner said the Los Angeles County morgue was pleased by the work Lindsay has done there over the past month, or "at least as pleased as a morgue can be."

Her supervisor at the morgue has said he has been blown away, in fact, calling her work "stellar," and saying she's "a delight to work with and hard working."

Lohan gets props for turning it around, but so do Sautner and her attorney Shawn Holley, who set up a rigid structure - something LL's parents never provided.

Score one for the legal system ... for once. And for the guy who hacked the Lindsay Lohan Playboy pictures. Thanks to him, the issue comes out this week!

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