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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Katy Perry Divorce: Russell Brand Files on Behalf of Both For Family's Sake

The divorce of Katy Perry and Russell Brand was months in the making, and the pop star was NOT blindsided by the actor/comedian's filing, reports say.

They decided Brand would file the court papers in the divorce because she didn't want to upset her religious parents, sources close to the couple indicate.

Katy and Russell knew the relationship was on the rocks months ago, but didn't want to bail on the marriage without a concerted effort to work it out.

Sadly, both sides ultimately felt "it just wasn't there."

Katy Perry and Russell Brand in happier times.

Katy and Russell were on board with the divorce weeks ago - there was no massive fight that triggered the split - but didn't want to be in L.A. when the papers were filed.

Thus, he went back to England and she went to Hawaii for Christmas.

Fans of Katy know her parents are evangelical Christians, who raised her to believe that divorce is morally wrong. Out of respect to Katy and her family, Russell was the one to officially file; It's unclear how or when Katy will legally respond.

Brand released a statement confirming the split but insisting the two will always love each other and remain friends. Here's hoping that's true, but don't bet on a reconciliation.

These two appear to have had problems since the get-go.

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