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Monday, February 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen on His Dad Comparing Addiction to Cancer: 'Shut It!' - Hollywood News Gossips

In an interview with's Senior Executive Editor Dylan Howard on Saturday, Charlie Sheen responded to his father's comments comparing addiction to cancer, getting sober and the future of "Two and a Half Men."

"Sounds poetic but it's rooted in bullocks," said Charlie, responding to an interview his father Martin Sheen held with Sky News where he called "the disease of addiction" a "form of cancer."

Charlie proclaimed that addiction is a choice, and that he chose to free himself from addiction a couple months ago. To prove his sobriety, Charlie agreed to two drug tests conducted by Radar. He's already passed the first test and will get the results for a second, more in-depth drug test within 24 hours.

Charlie explained why he made the decision to get clean, saying, "I got bored with the other things. [It was] time to do something different, and I had this epiphanous moment of being 45 with kids, and it was time to just explore some different realities."

The Emmy winner claimed to have overcome substance abuse by himself.

"I'm not involved with AA anymore, because for 22 years I lost with AA," Charlie said.

The actor also revealed two new tattoos. One is a "C" on his right wrist that represents one of his acting heroes, George C. Scott, and a movie he did called 'Hardcore,' the other reads "Death From Above" across his stomach, which is a reference to 'Apocalypse Now,' the 1979 war film starring his father Martin.

Last week, Charlie's top-rated series "Two and a Half Men" was cancelled through the end of the season. "The Insider" received this joint statement from Warner Bros. and CBS: "Based on the totality of Charlie Sheen's statements, conduct and condition, CBS and Warner Bros. Television have decided to discontinue production of 'Two and a Half Men' for the remainder of the season."

"I don't know what they're talking about," said Charlie, suggesting that his condition is adequate for working. "I never missed a mark or blew a line."

The actor then dished that neither studio consulted with him before making the decision to cancel the show for the season.

"I've been treated like an unwelcome guest for eight years," Charlie complained.

Of course, Charlie isn't the only one affected by the show not shooting this season. The rest of the cast and crew were also expecting to return to work soon.

"I feel bad but it's not my fault, so I'm not going to make any apologies," said Charlie.

Charlie revealed that in his opinion the fault is with "the guy who forgot to write the [expletive] scripts." According to Charlie, the show's writing staff did not have any episodes prepared to shoot for the new season.

"Will there be a season 9?" asked Dylan Howard.

"Absolutely," said Charlie. "And it's going to be brilliant because we're going to do it differently. Watch me."

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