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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Vampire Diaries Boss Dissects Caroline's Latest Klaus Mention : TVLine

Like a handsome, brooding elephant in the room, Klaus Mikaelson received a special shout-out on Friday’s Vampire Diaries — but how much should we read into what was said, exactly? In case you need a refresher, the moment occurred while Caroline was reading Stefan the riot act for abandoning her three years prior: “Meanwhile, I was so desperate I called Klaus for help — who’s nowhere to be found, by the way.” She was, of course, referring to her visit to New Orleans during The Vampire Diaries‘ crossover with The Originals earlier this year.

 “It’s definitely a hint,” though not necessarily a romantic one, executive producer Julie Plec tells TVLine.
“This year, as we’ve crossed over, we’ve acknowledged [The Vampire Diaries and The Originals‘] shared universe. As we know from The Originals, there’s a prophecy predicting the demise of the Mikaelson family, so it was a nice little tease for viewers of that show to ask themselves, “Wait, what the hell happened to Klaus?” If you were hoping for more, fear not. Plec acknowledges it’s entirely possible that The Vampire Diaries and The Originals will have more connectivity as they head into their eighth and fourth seasons, respectively.

“It’s a rare luxury to have two shows in a shared universe that you could do that,” Plec says. “So to not do it feels like we’re missing a really fun creative opportunity, a way to celebrate both shows. But it’s not like anyone over at the network is calling us and being like,

‘You need two crossovers this year.’ I think it’d be fun to keep finding small, organic ways to do it. Like when we had Matt Donovan show up on The Originals — that wasn’t for ratings, it just made logical sense that if the Originals were in Mystic Falls, they’d have a run-in with Deputy Donovan. I’d love to keep doing stuff like that. It’s fun, and it’s easier to accomplish than a massive two-show crossover.” TVD fans, did you appreciate the Klaus mention? What are your hopes for Friday’s season finale? We’ll have more scoop as the week progresses, but for now, drop your thoughts in a comment below.
Source : TVLine

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