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Monday, January 30, 2012

Brad Pitt to Kids: Do Not Google Brad Pitt!

Brad Pitt is well aware that an Internet search of his name yields hundreds of millions of results - not all of them positive and many full-on ridiculous.

Heck, you can learn all about how he got Angelina Jolie pregnant, how he's having an affair with Jennifer Aniston, and how he worried about Shiloh.

Most or all of which is untrue, of course ... which brings us to this quote:

"On all the kids' computers, we had our own names blocked," the actor told Germany's Bild in an interview. "They can't Google their mom and dad."

"I don't want to make myself dependent on what other people think."

Brad Pitt adds that he and Angelina Jolie aren't exactly searching for themselves either, for good reason. "We don't even notice all the noise," he said.

The same could be said for his stance on aging. Despite being just two years away from the big 5-0, the Moneyball star says he enjoys getting older.

"I love becoming an older man. Your thoughts get clearer."

Those thoughts may include a wedding in the works. The actor told The Hollywood Reporter - for real this time - that he would like to marry Angelina.

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