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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shahid trying to win back Priyanka! - Bollywood News Gossips

Shahid Kapoor has been desperately trying to patch-up with on-off girlfriend Priyanka Chopra. But seems like Piggy Chops is in no mood to forgive the Sasha boy. The couple had reportedly broken off after a tiff sometime back, reports Mumbai Mirror.

It was only after the break-up, Priyanka Chopra went to US for a holiday and didn't make it to Shahid's birthday.

After the holiday, she immediately joined the Don 2 team in Malaysia, without giving Shahid any chance of a reconciliation.

Priyanka-ShahidNow that PC is back from the holiday, Shahid Kapoor has started sending her 'miss you' and 'let's work it out' SMSes. He's even sending her flowers and texting her constantly, according to the tabloid.

Priyanka however is no mood to relent.

The source confirms, "When she's in love, there's no holding back. With Shahid, she decided to go that extra mile and make it work. That said, this hasn't been their first break up, but it's definitely the most painful. At the moment, she's not responding to his calls or messages. But common friends are trying to get them back together."

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