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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Perfumes For All Seasons - Latest Fashion Trends

Perfumes For All Seasons

This page contains all information about Perfumes For
All Seasons and all about Perfumes For All Seasons,fragrnance for all season ,perfumes,fragrance,latest perfumes.

Summer Perfumes

* In the hot summer weather, your perfume will evaporate quickly. You can counteract this by choosing a light, airy fragrance and applying it more often. Summertime is perfect for light florals or citrus scents. Stay away from anything too heavy or overpowering in the summertime. Those types of scents are better suited to winter wear.

Springtime is in the Air

* Spring and autumn are transitional seasons and your perfume should reflect that. In the spring, we are surrounded with reminders of new life bursting forth and perfumes can join in this celebration. Try choosing a light floral or tangy citrus scent to express the joy of this season.

Autumn Aromas

* In the autumn, life begins to settle down and the long, beautiful evenings are a time to reflect and relax. This is the perfect time to begin the transition between the light summer perfumes and the deeper richer aromas of wintertime wear. Perfumes with a light undercurrent of spice or cinnamon are perfect for the fall. You can increase the intensity of the fragrance as the weather turns colder.

Match Your Perfume to the Occasion

* You can also match your perfume choice to the occasion. No matter what you are doing, a light scent of a beautiful perfume can enhance the impression you leave with those around you.