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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Looking for Aamir! - Bollytwood News Gossips

Mumbai, March 19 -- Excuse me while I answer this call on my kaaliberry. Turns out to be a birdy who flits through the city, telling me that Aamir Khan has caused quite a buzz in central Mumbai. Matlab?

Meaning, the taxi drivers in the Dadar-Byculla stretch are telling everyone who hires their vehicles that the perfectionist actor, Aamir, is shooting somewhere around the area. However, when the starstruck passengers ask where exactly the actor is filming, the cabbies draw a blank.

Like that's not enough, the cabbies went on enthusing about how their friends have spotted the actor at work in some locality or the other along the Dadar-Byculla stretch. How true or false that is, we don't know!

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