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Sunday, July 31, 2016

'The Originals' Season 4 Spoilers, Summer Fontana to Portray Grown-Up Hope

When "The Originals" come back a fourth season, there will be a five-year time jump from when it ended in Season 3. It will then reveal an all grown-up Hope to be played by Summer Fontana. A New Hope Fontana, who has been credited for a movie role in "Basic Witches," will be joining the cast in Season 4. In fact, she began filming earlier this week. In the series, there is a possibility that Klaus (Joseph Morgan) may not recognize her own...


With the new technology and advancements in science emerging every day, new hair regrowth treatments have emerged to treat hair loss and baldness. One such treatment is stem cell hair regrowth therapy. In this procedure, stem cells are turned into hair follicle cells. There is no fixed cost of hair transplant in Abu Dhabi. Expenditures vary significantly from surgeon to surgeon. Cost of hair transplant depends upon various factors, including...

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Voice USA Judge Adam Levine Had his Hair Transplanted

Before hair transplant surgery his baldness has only just been seen on TV, the Grammy award winner actually shaved his head around three months ago, and documented the process on his Instagram page.  His hair is now growing back again and looks thicker than ever. Whether this is his natural hairline or not has been the subject of much speculation though, both in the media and in online hair loss forums. Many suspect Levine of having had...